Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Drawings at Las Manos Gallery

The show at Las Manos Gallery is going well. I put up quite a few drawings, most newish, but a few from years back, and packed the wall full. It was easy to lay out on the floor of the gallery but getting it up on the wall was a challenge, I had no reference point to work off of. I made a quick panoramic photograph the day we hung the show for a pricing guide. I thought I'd be able to better document the installation as the month went on, but of course we've sold some at the opening reception and people just had to take them with them. So this is the only photograph of the original installation. It's rough and parts of it are out of focus. But it does give you a sense of the array of work. Be sure to stop by Las Manos if you get a chance, the show is up through the end of June. Or check out the website, (lasmanosgallery.com).

New Drawings, Ode to Verdant Summer

It's now officially summer. And the weather, the foliage and the temperature all indicate that we are in for a long season. A few years ago I made a series of drawings based on some Hostas in the backyard of some friends. This year, with the warm sping and plentiful rain, the plants, including hostas, are in their full glory. I've been inspired again to visit the ubiquitous hosta plant. I love the architectural nature of the leaves. I also have been folding the paper on itself to change the quality of the line and you get this wonderful mirrored, Rorsach-like, early Warholish image. Both of these drawings are large, 38 x 50 inches, and they just envelope you when you stand in front of them.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

It Must Be Summer, The Pool Is Open!

A photo from a couple years ago. Shot from my balcony overlooking the pool in my building. Collaged from over 100 images, not exactly true to life, but catches the spirit of the place. Here's to a good summer for swimming.